So starting today:
Wish #1:
I wish that ALL My writing friends will become agented and will see their work published soon! (I mean it! There you go, wish sprinkles are floating down on you all right now!)
I wish that ALL My writing friends will become agented and will see their work published soon! (I mean it! There you go, wish sprinkles are floating down on you all right now!)
Wish #2:
I wish that all of my class in the Burghley school will get A's this year. (I really don't think this wish is necessary, because they are AWESOME writers!!!! Seriously! BUT I wish it just in case!)
Wish #3:
I wish my sister's wedding in Canada will be everything she's ever hoped it could be! And I hope she doesn't run this time. Yikes! Because he seems like an amazing guy... and I promised I'd have to take her out if she did... lol, and that's just so messy.
Wish #4:
I wish a certain FABULOUS editor (who will remain nameless) will love whatever rewrites she has me do for Pride & Popularity when we finally get to talk at the end of this month. And then, I hope she buys the whole Austen Series! Eeeh! Because, I love, love, love this editor... and I've been excited about maybe working with her since she very first read P&P last year! And since I'm wishing anyway, I might as well wish big, right?
Wish #5:
I wish our minivan would get out of the shop SOON. As much as I enjoy our clown car, I would love to be able to take a drive with the whole family again. And I miss, miss, miss, our van. It's been too long. No woman, trapped in a house with 6 kids, should have to go without a car since Thanksgiving, it's just cruel. (FYI: Don't bring a US car to the UK and expect not to have to wait for parts.. LOL!)
Wish #6:
I wish I don't have another miscarriage this year. The five in the last 15 months were enough, thanks. (We won't forget you Ethan! You will come to this family, promise. Know why? All my wishes come true... every one. They always have. So hang in there baby, we love you! And no matter what anyone says, 6 babies are NOT enough! LOL!)
Another blogger in the 'young enough to be my daughter'group! Now that is guaranteed to make ME feel old - you're alright at the magic 32 stage though!
ReplyDeleteLove for Sunday x
I hope all your wishes come true! My birthday is on Friday! 39 for me! One more year till I'm officially "OLD"! :)
ReplyDeleteHave a happy week!
Have a wonderful birthday. Best wishes for your wishes.
ReplyDeleteSo, you're about the age of my second youngest brother. That's young!
*holds hands out to catch wish sprinkles* Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAnd regarding #6, oh my goodness. You are so strong, and I pray you're continually blessed as He sees fit. *hugs*
Happy (early) Birthday!
*Crosses fingers for your wishes to come true*
ReplyDeleteI hope that you get your van back that is especially hard not to be able to drive the whole family together.
Happy early birthday!! Is it your sister Casey that will be getting married? Wow! How time flies! I hope you #6 comes true for sure!! A miscarriage is so hard! You are amazing going through that many and still not giving up!
ReplyDeleteWow, you are a young 'un! ;-)
ReplyDeleteLove all your wishes and hope they all come true! And hugs on #6. That must be very difficult.
Jinksy--You crack me up! You're one hot, talented mamma! Thanks for the Sunday Love! And I love magic 32!
ReplyDeleteErica--Eeh! Happy Birthday on Friday! Another February girl! LOVE LOVE LOVE FEb! Sigh, mayeb it's cuz the birthstone is soo cool! Gotta love purple!
Kathi--Second youngest brother??? LOL! alright that settles it! then you're the older sister i never had! Hahah! It must be why i love you so much! And thanks!
YAY! I loves birthdays! And my post-birthday wish is that ALL of your birthday wishes WILL COME TRUE!
ReplyDeleteJanna- Catch those sprinkles they are floating right to you! And thanks for your kind words!
ReplyDeleteLois-LOL! Thanks! I NEED MY VAN! I NEED MY VAN!!! I NEED MY VAN!! ok i'll stop whining... at least it keeps me home and writing,right? Sigh.
Gina--Yep, it's Casey all right! LOL on her seventh engagement. We've told her though that seven is perfect and I'm not kidding I will drag her bum to that alter if she runs this time! LOL!
Oh and never surrender!
Melissa--Yeah, everybody tells me I'm a baby! LOL! And thanks for the hugs
ReplyDeleteCaitlin--WOW! Thanks what a great post! LOL! Love you girl!
Happy Birthday, Jenni!!
ReplyDeleteI love all of your wishes (especially number 1! Woo Hoo!!) And, for number six, I'll just add my hugs and hope.
I hope all your birthday wishes come true. They're all very worthwhile, wonderful wishes. And... um, I would love Emmalee!!
ReplyDeleteMay all 32 of your wishes come true, especially the one about Ethan.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!
Morgan Mandel
And we can wish you happy birthday each day as it goes along! I love this idea.
ReplyDeleteYour wishes are wonderful and so heartfelt. I will wish for you about the miscarriage as well. My heart goes out to you. I only had one, but it was enough.
Ahem, I think some of your wishes were entirely too selfish. I think you needed to give more of your wishes away to us. I mean, I know it's your birthday and all, but come on, how dare you make wishes for yourself when there are so many of our dreams that haven't come true. Don't hold out on the next round. (lol, happy birthday, love ya)
ReplyDeleteRenee--Number one will come true! I'll make sure it does! Thanks for the hugs!
ReplyDeleteCandi--LOL! I'll send Emmalee over tonight (sigh Chase) Thanks for the wishes!
Morgan--Thank you! Yes! Especially the one about Ethan!
Debbie--Aww! LOL! I hope I still like the idea once I get to the end! LOL! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteKasie--Lol! You know me, always selfish..! So where's Joshua again? Do you have more for me to read yet??? I'm a very demanding person, woman! Give it to me! LOL!
Jenni - I love this idea, I'm excited to hear about more wishes and I hope all of them come true!!
ReplyDeleteWow...you really aren't that much older than I am! A majority of my close friends are older than you!! LOL! No wonder we had our struggles in the beginning! (But that's water under the bridge...)I'm so glad you're birthday gives so many reasons to have wishes! ;) Loves...
ReplyDeleteSweet! Now put some greedy ones on your list for the birthday girl!! :)
ReplyDeleteJenn--Thanks! Yay! LOL! I'm glad ya'll are excited because it's just dawned on me 32 wishes is a lot!
ReplyDeleteKimberly--LOLOL! OMGosh! I have been laughing for like ten minutes straight! You are such a brat! LOL! Whew! That cracked me up! LOL! Hello? Didn't you figure that out when my sister came to stay in Portugal with us and she was your age!?! LOLOL! I love it!
Angie--GREEDY? LOL! I totally thought they WERE!! Between you and Kasie i'm shaking my head in bafflement...! LOL! Seriously. Ok gonna try harder in my next post! LOL! ????
Happy Birthday this year! You made some awesome wishes and I hope they all come true especially the baby!!
ReplyDeleteTerri--THANKS! You're so sweet!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your #1 wish :-) and I hope you get all your wishes.
*taps pink shoes together*
Hi Pink!--I LOVE Your blog! I just added you to my bloglist! Good luck with your writing! Let me know if i can help you.