Sunday, January 16, 2011

A New Year's Gift for You!!

It's two weeks into the new year now, and I'm hear to tell you I'm alive and kickin. Lol! Barely.

Been spending lots of time writing and editing. My coauthor Drew and I have finally finished our book Eternity. And have already started sending it out to first round Betas... We're happy to find that apart from some minor beginning changes, we've got ourselves one heck of an Epic going on! Hehehe! It's good. Really good. :D

New baby is healthy and happy--she's my little mighty mouse, and has been zipping everywhere--keeping us all on our toes.

There's lots of laughter and sunshine around the place and we're enjoying our second beautiful winter in Utah. Who knew snow was so cool--literally. Lol!

On to the GIFT. My wonderful publisher has announced as a thank you for all the people who preorderd through their website and have been waiting patiently for the release of Northanger Alibi--(We have the REAL date now! Announcement coming soon!)--you will be receiving a digital copy in your emails asap, ALONG with of course, the original in hardbound, that will come signed and sent before the official release of the book (Eeep! I can't wait to tell you when, I'm so excited!!! Psst... it's soon, i promise!)

Thank you again for your pre-orders and your patience. Northanger Alibi will be in bookstores soon! Hehee! (and in your emails as soon as possible!) So for those of you who have a kindle, or e-reader... this is perfect.


  1. I'm glad you have your book! Yippee! Still can't get over that COOL looking cover. ;)

    So glad you have indoor sunshine--considering all them cloudy dark clouds filled with snow and rain? You've got it going!

    take care!

    ♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥

  2. This is a great post thanks for sharing it
